I've been harbouring some perilous thoughts lately.
Most of them about life and how sometimes, it's just so unfair...
Some of them, I reluctantly admit, were spurred by a microscopic fit of envy. But doesn't everyone envy someone else or something else once in their lives? Doesn't everyone wish that they were someone else sometimes?
Social constructs are there from the very beginning and we have been living them from the very moment we started to learn. And now it leaves me curious.
How much of what we believe are what we truly believe and not just because everyone else believes them. You may think strongly about something. But this may have only been because you have grown to believe something else and your mental faculties can't simply accept that they do in fact, exist. This leads me to wonder if social influences can go so far as to corrupt emotions. Can you feel so strongly about a certain thing when you've only been raised to believe it? And how can you be swayed to feel otherwise and is it even possible to change?
Change in the monumental sense is a big ugly scary monster that's a spawn of fear. They say sometimes change can be good. And maybe that's all I need right now, in this moment, of my life.
This year is a time to reinvent.
But to reinvent what exactly is the starting point in this journey to a hopefully not so dark cavern of consciousness within my head.
Photo Source: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/219/d/d/On_the_Cliff_by_Seetho.jpg
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