Monday, October 25, 2010

I'd like to take a shot at FREEDOM. But it's boundless and flexible definition scares me.

Figuratively, there are a million things that I'd like to do, I'd like to try, and I'd like to say. But there remains the question of what exactly is FREEDOM. Where does it begin and end? Does it have a beginning and an end?

It's a concept that remains to be vague and countless definitions have been stacked upon it; seemingly trying to quantify or qualify it within a container that we all could accept and digest like a pill or a capsule.

How far can I go to test the unchartered waters of my own FREEDOM when I can concede that I am somewhat trapped within the box of what I consider to be my personal restrictions to maintain self preservation.

How can I possibly go out of my box to explore the nature of the word FREEDOM without causing partial if not complete havoc to my little shelter of a box.

I write in earnest as I ponder these things. And I no longer write in obligation as I have long forsaken the personal promise.